Saturday, August 31, 2013

Dear Principal: No DCF or law enforcement interviews

If you think your child may be about to be interviewed at school by DCF or law enforcement, you might want to consider having him/her carry a card similar to the one in my previous post and sending this letter to the Principal and school district administration:

Dear Principal ____________:

My/Our child, [Child's Name], has been instructed not to discuss any non-academic matters with school administrators and not to speak at all with personnel from any outside agencies until one or both parents or my/our attorney is/are present. The only exception would be an emergency that concerns the immediate safety of my/our child or other children. Under no circumstances is my/our child to sign any document or write out any statement unless I/we am/are present.

If any [Name of School] administrator desires to question my/our child regarding any incident, please inform me/us immediately and I/we will come to the school as soon as possible. If anyone from an outside agency desires to meet with or question my/our child, please inform them that you do not have parental permission for them to meet with my/our child at school and ask them to schedule an appointment with me/us. My/Our home number is [Home Phone]. My/Our work numbers, for school emergencies only, do NOT provide to outside agencies except in a medical emergency, are [Name, Work Phone, Name, Work Phone].

I/We intend to cooperate with school officials regarding appropriate matters and will require that my/our child also cooperate. We simply ask that you wait until I/we are present to undertake any questioning.


[Parent's(s’) Name(s)] [Address(es)]
City(ies), State(s) Zip(s)]

The blog of Atty. Michael L. Rich*
Concentrating in Children’s and Family Law
37 Middlesex Circle – Unit 21
Waltham, MA 02452
781-373-1582, fax: 339-368-7662

Emergencies: 339-707-0050

*Atty. Rich does not represent this child or family unless his signature appears on the form.

Available to copy at and for group members for download at

It is strongly suggested that you have an attorney and consult with him/her before sending this form to your child's school.

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